WALL TILES - FLOOR TILES - BORDERS TILES - THAI CERAMICS & MOSAICS - COTTO TILES - STOCK - UK STOCK TILES TCI 10X10cm - Small stock of most colours Studio Picasso 10x10cm - Apricot, Blue, Yellow, Salmon Alicia 20x25cm - Beige, Blue Metro Chelsea 20x25cm - Décors & Borders in white & alabaster Regina 20x25cm - White Kensington 20x30cm – White, Beige, Domus Decors & Listellos, Cut Outs Cement 20x30cm – Bone & Cut Outs Rhine 20x30cm - Grey & Cut OutspOuts Zodiac 20x30cm - Ivory & Cut Outs Liberty 20x30cm – Ivory & Cut Outs Rosita 20x30cm – White Bellevue – Precuts 33 Noce Plano 20x40cm - Light Blue, Beige, Plano Climber, White, Beige Fabric 25x40cm - White, Dakota maroon & blue tacos & Listellos, Cut Outs Jazz 25x40cm - White, Arte Decors, Listellos Blue, Lilac Multi Décor, Listellos L1 & L2 in White & Cream Liberty 25x40cm – Ivory & Cut outs Picasso 25x40cm - Ivory, Armour platinum Tacos/Listellos L1 & L2, cut outs, Picasso Murano Lilac / Green, Danae copper and some other Listellos Glacier 25x40cm – White & Cut outs Soprano 25x40cm - White Dolomite 25x40cm - Bone, Black, Grey, Lena Black Tacos, Listellos & Cut Outs Jessica 25x40cm – Ivory & Cut Outs Kensington 25x40cm – White & Cut Outs Medusa 25x40cm - White, Ivory & Cut outs Fabric 25x40cm – Cut Outs on White Utopia 25x40cm - Beige Gloss 25x40cm – White & Cut Outs Verona 25x40cm - Beige, Roma L2 Listellos, Roma Pencil & Cut Outs |
Ionian Brown Taco 7.8x14.5cm
Duet Aqua/Beige Listellos 6.5x20cm
Polar Glass Light Blue, Black, Listellos 6x20cm
Fusion Brown Listellos 5x25cm, Taco 5x14cm
Mica Taco Black & Brown 5x14cm
Straight Line Listellos Grey & Blue 5x20cm
Sierra 30x30cm grey
Dolomite 30x30cm Bone, Black, Grey
Picasso 30x30cm Lilac
Naples 30x30cm Rust